Painful Periods (or the technical term Dysmenorrhoea) are very common but are not normal and a sign that things may be out of balance. There can be some discomfort with your periods, but they should be relatively pain free. It amazes me when I have clients that have suffered painful periods their whole life and they thought it was normal.
Interestingly, painful periods are one of the leading causes of female school and work absenteeism. So relieving painful periods can have a huge impact. Who wants to put their lives on hold every month? Pain may begin before or at the start of the period, usually peaks after 24 hours, and decreases after 48 hours.
Getting to the bottom of why you may be suffering painful periods can be complex. If the pain is very severe and cannot be managed with over the counter pain medication then it may have a more serious cause like endometriosis or adenomyosis. If this is the case I strongly recommend seeing a practitioner that specialises in female health.
But generally, painful periods are mostly caused by an excessive amount of prostaglandins.
When you get your period, it’s the time of your cycle when the lining of your uterus starts to break down. There is a release of a natural chemical called prostaglandin which is an integral part of this process but if there is too much of this chemical you can have problems. Prostaglandins in excess are very inflammatory. Inflammation causes pain.
- Moderate to severe cramping and abdominal/pelvic pain beginning with the onset of period and lasting 8-72hours.
- Dull or dragging pain radiating to lower back, groin, legs
- Headache and/or migraine
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- May have IBS symptoms pre-menstrually with constipation and/or diarrhoea Tender breasts, swollen abdomen
Here are some of the treatment options that can alleviate the painful periods. If you try these things and don’t get any relief then seeing a practitioner that specialises in women’s health is paramount.
1). Eliminate Dairy
This is the first thing I suggest for my clients because it can have profound results. With in one menstrual cycle we can see results. Many people struggle digesting dairy, this then creates inflammation in the body and can result in painful periods.
2). Remove High Histamine Foods
This is my second call to action with people you have painful periods. Some people struggle with breaking down the histamine in their diet, this can be due to a lot of reasons like gut health and nutrient deficiencies. When histamine accumulates in the body in can create painful periods, plus headaches, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, rashes and fatigue.
If removing dairy and high histamine foods don’t do the trick then I may have to food sensitivity testing to see if there is anything other inflammatory triggers.
Excess estrogen can be a massive driver of histamine in the body plus it can create havoc in other ways. Balancing estrogen to a health level needs to be done under the care of a practitioner.
I always believe that if you are going to take any supplements its best to see a qualified naturopath to guide you in the right direction with products and doses.
1). Zinc
Zinc my most favorite mineral. Lets just call is “Super Star Mineral.” It can help in so many ways but specifically for painful periods it works as an effective anti-inflammatory and reduces the prostaglandins.
2). Magnesium
Magnesium is a very close second in my favoutite minerals list. Magnesium is the master relaxer mineral. It helps relax your body, mind and your uterus so it can reduce the excessive period cramoing. It also works at reducing the pain causing prostaglandins.
3). Natural Anti-inflammatories
Turmeric can work it magic on painful periods. Turmeric has a myriad of health benefits and being an effective anti-inflammatory is one of them. Fish oil has been found to reduce period pain by 30% after 2 cycles. It does this be reducing inflammation in the body.
Like Ive said a few times now, if you don’t get relief with a few of these suggestions please see a qualified naturopathic practitioner who can guide you in the right direction.